Most private carriers like FedEx, DHL, or UPS charge an additional brokerage fee for an item to clear through customs, even if no duties or taxes are due. We use postal carriers because they do not charge an additional fee for passing the item through customs, they simply request any duties / taxes associated with the shipment are paid.
Articles in this section
- How Can I Update My Shipping / Contact Information?
- Additional Tracking & Carrier Information
- Why did the estimated ship date change?
- When will my Replacement Ship?
- Yunda Express Called Me to Verify My Address
- It is past the estimated delivery date and I still don't have my Reward!
- Why Hasn't My Shipment's Tracking Updated?
- Can You Redirect The Reward To A Different Address After it Has Shipped?
- I'm Moving, When Should I Update My Address?
- Is Shipping Free?
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